Monday, October 31, 2011

daily limits of self pity.

Daily Limit. 
So I have learned over time, that if you are having a bad day you should put limits on how long you should be annoyed for. This is easier said than done. So I suggested for myself and now for others my limit on pity,  I am going to say  20min. Begin timing, 1. annoyed when people don't respect others, or because they are family they think the rules some how slide by. 2. Patience in all aspects of life. 3. Teachers who don't get it. 4. Working on something all day and feeling like you got nothing done. 5. Eating your feeling and you feel sick after a hamburger and 1 large coke. 6. Wanting to just get into your career. 7. Paying bills. 8. This list. 9. When people don't listen. 10. Relying on yourself is sometimes very overwhelming. 

So there you go, my daily limit. 
I feel somewhat better. I am learning that you should not have your stress affect your relationship or the important parts of your life. So Daily Limit, 20 min. Now I will probably go on a walk, hopefully some trick or treaters will come on by. So next time you wanna scream give yourself a limit and carry on. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms

This blows my mind. I have decided I am going to specialize in Modern Architecture.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jonah Days

Jonah Days.
This is a drawing I did when I was driving to Seattle. 
Today is a jonah day. Do you ever have days were your so excited for something and then stuff comes up. Those are Jonah Days. 

its all about how you see things. 
I drew this based upon the things people do. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

ms. tilly


Born: November 29
Name: Jenntille Asay, friends call me Tilly.
Name: Ms. Tilly Asay
From: Draper, Ut.
Love: Mike and Ikes ( the original)
Hate: Football games and Pears…. Sick.
Love: People watching at the mall and narrating their conversations.
Hate:  The smell of day old popcorn in the garbage can.
Love: A solid outfit.
Hate: When people are disrespectful ( people who don’t pick up after themselves.)
Love: A good day.
Hate: Stress that makes me cry.
Love: Stress that makes me better.
Hate: To many people in the elevator.
Love: Writing with a brand new jet black ink pen.
Hate: Being Cold.
Love: A good cold coke.
Hate: Trying to think of things for this list.
Love: A long laugh, till my stomach hurts. 
Love: Creating
Love: The smell of paints
Love: Buying a set of markers that were on sell at Michaels.
Love:  The beauty of making simple things.
Love: How people react to a good space generated. 

nice to meet you. 

The thoughts of She.

These are my own favorite quotes that I wrote.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


a laugh is good once a day

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

a day with a thought.

A cup of Coffee.
 Doing small simple acts of kindness. Doing small things to receive little to no credit about doing them. I was impressed by a lady at work today who shared with me a short story about a little cup of coffee.  Ms. May, when she buys a cup of coffee she always buys the cup of coffee for the person behind her. How kind is that? Sometimes we don't know the people we buy small cups of coffee for. But the idea is, doing small things makes a big difference. Go on now! Buy someone a cup of coffee.