Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mr. G's Ice Cream.

Mr. G's Ice-Cream.

My brother in-law Josh, asked me to create a logo for his school project. This logo I have created was to represent an old 1960's bottle cap from a milk carton. I put wood in the back ground so it gives you that old school barn feel. I was glad he asked me to do this! Currently, I am practicing on photoshop and illustrator to get better at it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

instagram week2

As mentioned from last week, I will take instagram photos for a week, and post my results!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

emilyjane consignment.

emily jane consignment store.

Ever since I have moved to SLC I have fallen in love with consignments stores. I have come
across this consignment store, which I have to say is my favorite! 

Consignment is an interesting thing, there is so many things that go into a store like this one. 
One thing that goes into this store is the people. The people donate the goods to this store, like any other store the price is spilt to company and customer. I have learned a lot!!!

For those who have gone into consignments shops before. You all know at times it can be so overwhelming to go in. You can literally spend hours in there. Emilyjane helps not reduce your time in their store but Emilyjane organizes the chaos. They organize the chaos by color, so as you can read by the pictures above, they have their displays done by color. This store is beautiful!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A week with instagram.

So I was reading a blog the other day and the gal did a post once a week on all the instagram photos she took that week. I want to start doing that! So everyday Wednesday will be my instagram week photos! 
Now that my husband has an iPhone I still it all the time for instagram. But instagram is now available for the android!!!  

So. these photos are things I see and do during the week so far. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Revit Drawings

Lawyers Office ( Conference Room)

Lawyer Office ( Large Conference Room)

These drawings are for a lawyers space that I have drew up and generated. 
Revit is so much more greater than auto cad!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Portfolio 2012

This was my portfolio, finally completed. I want to thank all of those who have helped me finish this portfolio. I know this is funny, but I just want to thank all those people who inspired me to be who I am. You know who you are!

Friday, April 6, 2012

My display.

This was my display for my actual portfolio event. 
It was a lot of fun to make and I learned a lot about myself while making it. 


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The house.

Finished my display. Its a house, in my house. 
Jesse Barrus brought my ideas to life. 


I wanted my logo open house design to play
a role in how I would display my projects. So my
display board is a house. Thus matching my logo. 

do you think it looks like my logo?

p.s. i learned today from my friend Ms. Roxy, that no matter how good you are getting at something no matter what it be. You need to stay humble. Being humble goes a longer way than being good at something and rude. I seriously learn a ton from that girl. She is my angel!!! haha. 

Color Boards


My portfolio event is tomorrow at LDS Business College.

These boards that I have done represent a different project for a client. 
Enjoy... OpenHouseDesign.