Monday, July 23, 2012

a quick sketch of my husband and I that I drew while he was doing homework...hah

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My brother left yesterday to the Paraguay Mission for 2yrs. I will miss him a lot. We got an email from him this morning telling us he arrived safely.  I am so proud of him. Above and below are some photos I took for him as his missionary photos. I am not a photographer but I enjoy taking pictures. I think they turned out great!


I entered this contest created by Art Moves which is to as they say;  use a billboard – the symbol of the modern age consumption – and change it into an object of consideration, reflection and a deep insight into ourselves and the surrounding reality. Our festival is organized by artists in close co-operation with other artists.

So I created my own billboard with this years topic: 

“Where is the meaning? At the top or at the bottom?”

The competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world at the moment. We live in the time of crisis and we perceive it as a disease of sorts – a disease, we would like to treat as quickly as we can. On the other hand this “disease” can be the only chance for us to slow down a bit in our fast-paced world and think again about where we are heading and why we chose this particular direction. Are we happy with the way the reality we created works? Are we reaching for the top or for the bottom? Are we happy with the goals we are setting for ourselves? Are these goals ours or are they imposed on us? Where is the meaning? Can it be placed on a map? Has it evaporated? Does the meaning of our existence lie in the constant maximization of profit, accumulation of goods, consumption, wealth, being on top? Or can it be found in escaping, isolating oneself, denying reality, hiding and living in the middle of nowhere? Or maybe, it is better to find new solutions that would allow us to make a better use of the goods created and developed by humanity and use them so that they help us be happier, have better relationships with people, take care of ourselves, our loved ones and reality? How can we find a satisfactory solution? Where can we find the meaning?

I submitted this piece entitled THINK

 This billboard painting is black and white. This is suppose to represent our daily routine living in monotony. Doing what others expect us to do and say can cause us to forget about ourselves. We forget about our own energy, our own life, and our own desires. The brain is backwards where it should not be. This represents thinking out of the box; do things that you think about but would never do. "Think" is done in color, to represent our thoughts as we see them, but sometimes never do. Think in color, not black and white. Think about the things you can do and will do because you want to. 

                                       Below are examples of the winners from last years competition.

Check it out

Monday, July 2, 2012

This is Emily, my sister in law! I love her, these are photos that I edited on my way back from Idaho Falls. I wanted to show this picture, because I believe it captures everything Emily is. Sweet, Soft, Gentle and pretty much the most genuine person you will meet. Lov you Em!

I really do love these photos!