Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2 years of not posting!  Why did this happen? Its called life. Its crazy to me how time seems to get faster and faster the older I get. After I graduated college and got a job with an architecture firm Method Studio seriously my life like most of yours flew on by. It seemed it was deadline after deadline, meetings more meetings, concepts were needed, drawings had to be done and submitted, I swear it was AWSOME! It was taking up all my blogging time and I was totally ok with that. Funny story, I got pregnant unexpectedly, with TWINS!!  After I had the twins my life I felt like went upside down, there is nothing really that prepares you to be a mother. I felt really overwhelmed and stressed by how my whole world totally changed. I felt like I had lost my identity by not working or doing things that I would normally do.  I had a good balance. I feel guilty for saying this but it was hard at first. I loved and love being a mother and I am so grateful I have the opportunity of having children. But leaving work, etc and becoming a mother was quite an adjustment. It was weird being a full-time mom, not receiving recognition from others from a job well done, I missed the work environment, I missed designing and creating, I missed alot of things. I really didn't have time to do much design work or much of anything other than the babes, but here and there I was able to work up a schedule with Method so I could do something. It took time to get somewhat adjusted to my new life and slowly I started to get a grip of things again.  After a year or so my husband was accepted to law school in Washington.  We left super fast and we really had no choice, I didn't really say goodbye the way I wanted. We have been in Washington now for a few months and I have learned a few things, trust the timing of your life and believe that everything will work out the way it should for a reason, or at least I think so. For the time being ( before the kids are in school) I have decided to be a full -time mom and I am finally feeling like I am getting a hang of things, managing my time and developing schedules so I still have time to create and get everything out of my mind that I want to. Good things aren't always easy at first, its ok if it takes time to accept your situation.  I hope this doesn't sound like a pity party because its not, I just wanted to be honest. Being a mom is hard sometimes, but I would never change it. I am lucky enough that I  can be with my children ALL day, sometimes its long :) They have honestly become my world.  I love being a mom. Now that I feel like I have a grip on things I have decided to make paper goods and see where it can take me. I am really excited. The posts below are depictions of what I have been doing the past 2 years.

Team Method- I miss this group of people, they really helped me develop as a designer and a person.

 To respect Method Studio and for privacy reasons these are a few of the projects I had the opportunity of designing with Method Studio. 

Check them out.

Blvd. Gardens

UVU classroom

 Henry Day Ford. 

Wastach Advisors

Willows Student Housing

Thanks again Method Studio. 