Thursday, September 6, 2012

This is why I never post as much as I would like to, I am a DESIGNER! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

a quick sketch of my husband and I that I drew while he was doing homework...hah

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My brother left yesterday to the Paraguay Mission for 2yrs. I will miss him a lot. We got an email from him this morning telling us he arrived safely.  I am so proud of him. Above and below are some photos I took for him as his missionary photos. I am not a photographer but I enjoy taking pictures. I think they turned out great!


I entered this contest created by Art Moves which is to as they say;  use a billboard – the symbol of the modern age consumption – and change it into an object of consideration, reflection and a deep insight into ourselves and the surrounding reality. Our festival is organized by artists in close co-operation with other artists.

So I created my own billboard with this years topic: 

“Where is the meaning? At the top or at the bottom?”

The competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world at the moment. We live in the time of crisis and we perceive it as a disease of sorts – a disease, we would like to treat as quickly as we can. On the other hand this “disease” can be the only chance for us to slow down a bit in our fast-paced world and think again about where we are heading and why we chose this particular direction. Are we happy with the way the reality we created works? Are we reaching for the top or for the bottom? Are we happy with the goals we are setting for ourselves? Are these goals ours or are they imposed on us? Where is the meaning? Can it be placed on a map? Has it evaporated? Does the meaning of our existence lie in the constant maximization of profit, accumulation of goods, consumption, wealth, being on top? Or can it be found in escaping, isolating oneself, denying reality, hiding and living in the middle of nowhere? Or maybe, it is better to find new solutions that would allow us to make a better use of the goods created and developed by humanity and use them so that they help us be happier, have better relationships with people, take care of ourselves, our loved ones and reality? How can we find a satisfactory solution? Where can we find the meaning?

I submitted this piece entitled THINK

 This billboard painting is black and white. This is suppose to represent our daily routine living in monotony. Doing what others expect us to do and say can cause us to forget about ourselves. We forget about our own energy, our own life, and our own desires. The brain is backwards where it should not be. This represents thinking out of the box; do things that you think about but would never do. "Think" is done in color, to represent our thoughts as we see them, but sometimes never do. Think in color, not black and white. Think about the things you can do and will do because you want to. 

                                       Below are examples of the winners from last years competition.

Check it out

Monday, July 2, 2012

This is Emily, my sister in law! I love her, these are photos that I edited on my way back from Idaho Falls. I wanted to show this picture, because I believe it captures everything Emily is. Sweet, Soft, Gentle and pretty much the most genuine person you will meet. Lov you Em!

I really do love these photos!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


 One of my most favorite things about being married is designing and decorating my own home. hahah it's funny as a newly married couple it takes time to decorate a home because of cost etc. So over time our home will be great!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I came across these old design concepts of my OpenHouseDesign. Its funny how the process goes, from good to better. Roxy made me good to better. People should always help others. We should always be good and become better!!!!

As of recent.

Hey! I haven't posted in awhile it feels like. I go on spurts, when I am super inspired I post all the time. I feel like I am still inspired but tired and working full time is another adjustment for me as well. I am learning a lot about the design industry. Being a commercial interior designer is hard. I am seeing how it can seriously consume you. Coming in early to work, Staying late, sometimes bringing work stress home with you. I have never felt so many feelings in one time. It can be super intimidating to work with NCIDQ interior designers, Leed and AIA architects etc. Sometimes I find myself scared of the people that surround me. I think I get scared cause I think I can't do well. Or what if I mess up, they can hire a new designer etc. I am learning you can't wrap yourself in that. Being my best self, is the only best self I can be. I am currently working on getting hours for my NCIDQ and its hard. I have a different respect for designers.  I want a family, I want balance and I am learning it takes hard work to do both. Maybe some of us design great things because we don't see the greatness in ourselves. It truly is beautiful when you finally realize you are great, and you design great things because we are all great. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

IIDA Associate

So as of recent I have been really busy with my internship that I have been doing for the past four weeks. It was really stressful but it paid off.  I GOT A JOB! I will be working full time at Method Studio. Method Studio is an full design and architecture firm. I will be on their design team as a IIDA Associate, I have done mostly their graphics for several different projects. I am currently working on a mural  that will be designed in BYU Idaho's student campus.  I will post some of those sketches soon.

This graphic was used for a presentation that we did for Energy Solutions project we are currently working on.
copyright: Allrights reserved,MethodStudio. INC. 

Check us out

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Boy and Girl Dewey. 

                                                                                  The gang.

Em and Till. 

Well, the Deweys went to Canada for Jess and Chelsea's wedding. 
I will say now, I love Canada and would move there right now. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Method Studio

About two weeks ago I applied for an internship with Method Studio, I was really excited about applying with this firm.  This firm is a design and architecture firm. Their design and concept is literally one of a kind. While looking at their work I feel in love with them and knew I needed to try. I got a call back and I will have the opportunity of being with them! I am really excited. While I have gone into Method this week, I have gained a new respect for designers and architects for the sometimes high stress situations they have to work in I just want to thank them for letting me join their team. They had me this week work on their graphics for a HUGE project that was due today at 1. Hope it went well! I will post my graphics I did for them soon. So stay tuned. 

Featured on IIDA.

So awhile back in December I sent IIDA a little bit of information about myself as a designer and creator. For those who do not know what IIDA is, its as stated above, International Interior Design Association. IIDA is a society of Interior Designers who host many events, competitions etc in the interior design world. Well, a about a week ago I get an email from one of my class mates telling me that I was famous! hahah. Whatever. Anyway, she told me IIDA sponsored me in one of their issues of the student QUAD. So the information I sent to them in December was issued in this months issue! Along with two other students from across the nation I had the opportunity of being recognized on IIDA's website. Click the link below to see the other students who were also showcased.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mr. G's Ice Cream.

Mr. G's Ice-Cream.

My brother in-law Josh, asked me to create a logo for his school project. This logo I have created was to represent an old 1960's bottle cap from a milk carton. I put wood in the back ground so it gives you that old school barn feel. I was glad he asked me to do this! Currently, I am practicing on photoshop and illustrator to get better at it!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

instagram week2

As mentioned from last week, I will take instagram photos for a week, and post my results!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

emilyjane consignment.

emily jane consignment store.

Ever since I have moved to SLC I have fallen in love with consignments stores. I have come
across this consignment store, which I have to say is my favorite! 

Consignment is an interesting thing, there is so many things that go into a store like this one. 
One thing that goes into this store is the people. The people donate the goods to this store, like any other store the price is spilt to company and customer. I have learned a lot!!!

For those who have gone into consignments shops before. You all know at times it can be so overwhelming to go in. You can literally spend hours in there. Emilyjane helps not reduce your time in their store but Emilyjane organizes the chaos. They organize the chaos by color, so as you can read by the pictures above, they have their displays done by color. This store is beautiful!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A week with instagram.

So I was reading a blog the other day and the gal did a post once a week on all the instagram photos she took that week. I want to start doing that! So everyday Wednesday will be my instagram week photos! 
Now that my husband has an iPhone I still it all the time for instagram. But instagram is now available for the android!!!  

So. these photos are things I see and do during the week so far. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Revit Drawings

Lawyers Office ( Conference Room)

Lawyer Office ( Large Conference Room)

These drawings are for a lawyers space that I have drew up and generated. 
Revit is so much more greater than auto cad!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Portfolio 2012

This was my portfolio, finally completed. I want to thank all of those who have helped me finish this portfolio. I know this is funny, but I just want to thank all those people who inspired me to be who I am. You know who you are!